On a positive note, the bill will allow student-athletes to go to the bathroom anytime they want. Excuse the scarcism, but this man, and his co-sponors have got to be crazy as hell, for putting forth such an outlandish, dictatorial policy, that seems better fit for a time long ago, in places that are not the United States.
This is dangerous, too. What will they try to legislate next? Will Missouri only be allowed to recruit Christians? Will athletes have to be born in the United States? The right to protest, the right to express one’s opinion, are at the very fabric of our society.
I won’t even bother to tell you the political affiliation of Brattin and his minions, because you already know.
Of course, this is in protest to the historic boycott in November by the University of Missouri football team regarding the University of Missouri lack of response to racial tensions on campus. The protest led to the resignation of president, and a commitment by the university to better address issues of diversity.
You would think that something like this bill wouldn’t stand a chance in hell of passing. However, when you consider that an absolute, egomaniacal, bigot, xenophobe, fool is the leading candidate of the Republican party _ by a wide margin, mind you _ anything is possible. And that man’s party currently holds a large majority in Missouri.
What Brattin is in danger of doing by pushing forth such an initiative is driving people away, and in particularly people of color, which are bound to take offense by the bill, and are already skeptical of Missouri’s relations with its African-American student population. Of course, that could be precisely what Brattin wants.