But I also hope these parents are sharing academic information with their children, especially if they are potential college athletes. The NCAA’s new academic requirements are kicking in for the class of 2016. The minimum GPA requirements are going from a 2.0, up to a 2.3. In addition, a senior will need to have made sure they have completed 10 of their 16 core classes (such as english, math) by their senior year.
The entrance test scores have risen as well. For example, if you score 1,000 on the SAT you will need to match that with a 2.5 GPA.
This is a good move by the NCAA. By building stronger students academically, they will be in essence creating better college students, who are more capable of earning their four-year degree. While many of student-athletes who enter college may dream of playing a professional sport after graduation, the reality is only a very tiny percentage will.