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Afro-centric names have always been a topic of debate in the African-American community with so many ethnic names, and religious names, such as Jamal and Khadija. The topic gave Symone, the former child star of the ‘Cosby Show’, and ‘That’s So Raven’, an opportunity to show us just how stupid her thinking is.
“Just to bring it back, can we take back ‘racist’ and say ‘discriminatory,’” she said, to Whoopie Goldberg, on The View talk show. “because I think that’s a better word. And I am very discriminatory against words like the ones that they were saying in the video. I’m not about to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea. It’s just not going to happen. I’m not going to hire you.”
So, if Barack Obama came looking for a job from Raven, he would be out of luck. So would Condeleeza Rice, the former secretary of state, and so would Kamala Harris, the prominent California attorney, and former congressman Kweisi Mfume.
As almost anyone, with any sense would know, these are just a few African-Americans with ‘ethnic’ sounding names that have accomplished great things.
That is really one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard in my life. And the crazy thing about it is she was wearing a red Mohawk haircut, similar to the style shown in the picture above, and sometimes thought as being part of the culture Symone spoke of.