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There are some stories that are must reads. This is one. Penned brilliantly by Scott Fowler of the Charlotte Observer, it chronicles Chancellor Lee Adams, the son of the late Cherica Adams. She was killed by a hit man ordered by Chancellor’s father, Rae Carruth, the former wide receiver for the Carolina Panthers, on Nov. 16, 1999.
She was eight months pregnant at the time of the shooting. Her baby, Chancellor, was delivered via caesarean section, and survived. But he suffered brain damage and has cerebral palsy.
Fowler’s piece, which is linked below, celebrates Chancellor’s 16th birthday. As for Carruth, he was sentenced to 18 to 24 years in prison, where he is currently serving time and works for $1 a day as a barber. That’s a far cry from the $40,000 a game he earned during his playing days.
Read: Ex-NFL Player Rae Carruth Hired Hit Man to be Sure this Baby Wasn’t Born, But Now that Baby is 16