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By Rickey Hampton, Editor and Founder of The African-American Athlete

(The racist president’s attack on African countries and Haiti is nothing new for this miserable man. This column from last September explains why I am willing to end friendships with anyone who supports his hatred.)
In the wake of the racist in chief’s latest hate-filled rant, I was glad to see Oakland A’s rookie Bruce Maxwell become the first Major League Baseball player to protest the playing of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ on Saturday. Obviously, Maxwell, who is black, has seen enough from the man at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It is a courageous act for Maxwell, a rookie, to put himself out there in this climate.
There are also reports that members of the Buffalo Bills are so upset by the racist in chief that they had a meeting to discuss his antics. I hope the Bills’ players take action on Sunday. It’s also good to see NBA players such as LeBron James and Steph Curry take the idiot on.
Personally, I am going to be really disappointed if I don’t see a majority of NFL players make a statement of some sort in response to the most recent insult from the racist who lives in the White House. Hopefully, other MLB players will follow Maxwell’s lead.
The latest ignorance to spew from that man’s mouth was an attack on Colin Kaepernick and others, who have protested injustice. The racist in chief made his attack during a speech at a pseudo-political rally in Alabama, which was really nothing more than a modern day Klan rally. The only thing missing was a burning cross.
The racist referred to Kaepernick as a “son of a bitch.” This miserable human being attacks a black man who has protested injustice peacefully, while he defends racists who wreaked havoc, and caused the death of an innocent woman in Charlottesville.
What’s worse than the racist in chief are those who condone his actions, and those who choose to look the other way. If you can’t criticize his racism, I can only assume you feel the same way. And, if you have friends who you are thinking support that man, you should probably check your standing with them.
At least for me, this is worth losing a friendship over. You can unfriend me, delete my number and block me on Twitter. If you are a friend of the racist, I don’t want you as my friend.
And, please, let’s not even say what would happen if President Barack Obama had conducted himself the way this idiot has for even one day. President Obama is a man of dignity and respect. He was respectful to others even when they disagreed with him, or insulted him.
Mr. Obama has dignity. I doubt if this dotard could even spell ‘dignity’.
It simply goes to show that millions of dollars can possibly get you a chance to hob nob with the rich and famous, but it cannot buy you class, something many poor men have in abundance.
It is time for everyone to start standing up and speaking out against the hatred of this man. And if you don’t I can only assume that you agree with the racist who lives at the White House. If that is the case then un-friend me, please.
Mr. Rickey L. Hampton, St., Right On!✊️
Thanks, Leykin!