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By Rickey Hampton, For The African-American Athlete,

Donald Trump’s racist recent comments about Africa, El Salvador and Haiti come as no surprise to America’s black community.
We know he is a racist, and we know he has been a racist for a long time. We also know he is hardly the first racist to reside in the White House.
You can say Trump’s bigotry is part of his upbringing. His German grandfather was a member of the KKK, and he and his dad practiced housing discrimination in New York.
I could fill this entire column with racist comments and actions from Trump, from his attack of the ‘Central Park Five’, to his trolling of former president Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
Trump’s jealousy of President Obama is palpable. In his heart, Trump knows he can never be the leader Obama was during his tenure. Trump knows he could never match Obama’s intelligence, grace, dignity and humanity.
However, as miserable and disgusting as Trump is, there is a segment of America that is even worse than he is.
They are the people who support his racism, misogyny and bigotry. They are the people who know “Make America Great Again” (wink, wink) means going back to a time when people of color were considered second class citizens.
They are also the politicians in Washington who stand by and watch this man, who is a clear and present danger to our country, destroy the soul of America.
They know he is a liar, they know he is a racist, they know he is a bigot, and they know he is mentally unstable, and totally unfit to sit in the Oval office.
Yet, they stand silent and do nothing or worse, scramble to make excuses for him.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich provided the exact sort of cover that perpetuates and gives license to racism from Trump.
Interviewing with Hailey Jackson on MSNBC, Kasich was asked if Trumps remarks were racist. Stumbling and blubbering, Kasich responded that ‘he does not call names’.
So a proponent of ‘straight talk’ and doing away with the restrictions of being “PC”, elects to be uber “PC and not call racist remarks racist.
That screams volumes.
Saying something racist is one thing, but action or inaction that furthers the cause and provide cover for racists, is the “acting on racist ideology” that defines a racist, and separates them from those who simply innocently misspeak.
Those people are even worse than Donald Trump will ever be.