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By Christian Bliss, For The African-American Athlete
America loves to build people up just to chop them down in inglorious fashion. The weekend story regarding Tiger Woods’ alleged DUI is case in point.
Early Monday morning Woods’ was arrested for suspicion of DUI. The news splashed on the front pages, and was the lead on television and radio outlets across the country. As it turns out, Woods tested 00.0 for alcohol. He had an adverse drug reaction to the medicine he has been on since his most recent back surgery.
The level of absurdity of this story is beyond comprehension, are literally more than words can accurately depict. An individual asleep in a car is not a crime. An individual, who may have gotten into a minor accident, not involving other motorists or animals, is also not a crime.
That’s what Tiger has car insurance for.
If a person willingly submitted to a breathalyzer, then explains to the officer the reason behind his condition, what warranted an arrest in that scenario?
Sounds like that person required medical care, more than a set of stainless steel handcuffs, doesn’t it?
I could understand if the police escorted him to a nearby hospital, then proceeded to make an arrest based on the examination by a licensed medical professional. But why treat folks with certain conditions like criminals?
I hope you know, it ain’t gonna stop Tiger. Black folks’ wealth in this country is looked upon as if it is borrowed money. Some people are not gonna stop until they completely destroy you, Eldrick Tiger Woods.
Dude, it’s like the title of Jordan Peele’s movie practically told all of us this past February, ‘Get out!’