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By Rickey Hampton, For

Mike Woodbury, the CEO at The Nation Christian Academy (High School) in Port Lucie, Fla., and director of basketball needs to be fired.
Actually, firing him may be a difficult thing to do since he is the CEO. However, he can be put out of business. How can any parent send their child to a school that stands by a man who treats students the way Woodbury treated Marvens Petion, a senior on the school basketball team?
Woodbury was caught on tape verbally abusing Petion, after learning that Petion was planning to transfer to another school. His rant (the full audio is linked below) is utterly disgusting. In fact, it may very well be the vilest attack I have ever heard a coach make towards a person.
Woodbury called Petion ‘dumb’ and ‘retarded’. He was racist, abusive, manipulative, threatening, perverse, and condescending towards that young man.
Mike Woodbury shouldn’t be allowed to be anywhere near a young person, in any capacity whatsoever.
This is just some of what this grown man, who is supposed to be in a position of leadership, had to say to a teenager.
“Take your broke (expletive) — I’ll say it again — your broke (expletive) — back to the (expletive) garage,” Woodbury said. “I don’t want to hear (expletive) from you. Bottom line. The next thing I hear from you, get the (expletive) out. Just walk the (expletive) out. I don’t give a (expletive). I control the transcripts. I control where you go next. It could be back to Haiti mother (expletive). That’s how easy it is for me.”
According to reports, Petion isn’t the first person that Woodbury has tried to bully and intimidate. He had similar incidents with kids when he coached in Maine.
Woodbury is an abuser. And he needs to be dealt with. Every parent that has planned on sending their child to this school should find another school. Fortunately, Petion has transferred to another school. Hopefully, every kid that is currently on that team will be looking for another place to play. Who wants to play for a man who doesn’t give a damn about you? What parent wants a kid in that environment? It is perfectly clear that Woodbury doesn’t care for kids. His relationship is totally transactional.
What is clear here is that Mike Woodbury is a bully and a wimp. After he was busted on tape, this despicable man tries to make himself the victim.
“He was a lost soul and I thought I could save him,” Woodbury said in a news report. “I attempted to do everything in my power to save him. As much of an (expletive) as I am, vulgar, I have a heart, and I think I can save every kid on this planet. I attempt to do so with tough love. It’s not always the way people would expect it. It’s not politically correct, but it is who I am and I’m true to that.”
“I regret and I’m broken-hearted about this because I tried to be a father figure to him.”
No one needs a father like that in their life.
On The Nation Christian Academy website, the schools says: “It stands committed to accomplish its mission to educate each student and to cultivate spiritual, mental, physical and social growth based on godly principles. “
“… witness the NCA difference – where teachers care and students soar.”
But those are just hollow words. Any school that has a person as abusive as Mike Woodbury on its staff can’t possibly claim to uphold Godly principles.