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The disrespect we are seeing across America these days seems to have no end. Social media has certainly played a role in that, as well as the election of Donald Trump.
There is no doubt in my mind that his racist overtones have emboldened some people to say and express things they have always thought. And, in a way, it is a good thing. It has only taken the hood off publically showing their racist tendencies.
The latest example of this was a series of tweets by a teacher at East High School in Nashville, Tenn. Lyn Rushton thought she had created a stealth Twitter account that would protect her true identity. But obviously, she discounted the computer savvy of her students. Of course, that makes sense considering she thought they were dumb and worthless anyway. But these kids were smart enough to bust her, and send her packing.
Here are a few of Rushton’s ‘tweets’.
“The ghettoness of some of my students just sickens me beyond belief,” she stated in one tweet. “I wish I could carry a carry a stamp at school to put ‘worthless assholes’ across their heads”, she said on another.
When her students found out about her insults, they confronted her. The teacher expressed deep sorrow for her tweets, but only after she was busted in public. She has resigned her position. Let’s hope this woman never finds her way in a classroom again. For more click here to watch this report from WTVF-Channel-5 in Nashville.