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By Forrest Clay, For

The anatomy of a man is the same no matter your religion and color of your skin. It does not matter your sexuality or what you have in your bank account. My blood bleeds red, as does yours. What separates man is the character in which one carries him or her self, and the love that generates from it.
What we see as black people is mostly different than white people, despite the fact we want the same things out of life. That’s love, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The division in our country, and around the world, over race did not start with Breonna Taylor, George Floyd or Ahmaud Arbery and many other victims of white supremacy and bad police officers. Their murders are what happens when a society doesn’t deal with the sickness that ravages through the veins of America.
“This is America, don’t catch you slipping’ now, look at how I’m living’ now, Police be tripping’ now Yeah, this is America- Childish Gambino (This Is America)”
It started over 400 years ago when one race, Caucasians, believed they were superior to another, (Native Americans). It continued through the civil war when Southern states went to war to protect slavery, reconstruction, Jim crow, and the civil rights era.
It continues because America has not dealt with the atrocities of its sins. America has turned its back on the black lives that built this country with the blood of slaves. America has shielded the whites, who for generations have benefitted from those slaves with a privilege that prevails today with the likes of Central Park dog owner Amy Cooper who threatened to call the police on an African American male for telling her to put her dog on a leash.
“To revolutionize make a change nothing’s strange, People, people we are the same, no we’re not the same, cause we don’t know the game, what we need is awareness, we can’t get careless-Public Enemy (Fight the Power)”
That is the America we live in where the mere thought of being black can get the police called on you. America has more blood on her hands. But how will America cleanse this blood?
Will, we now recognize that when we say black lives matter it’s not to say all lives don’t matter, but our lives are being cut from us like fruit from a tree.
Can America recognize that for years we have been saying this and fighting this fight? Colin Kaepernick tried to tell you America, but you didn’t listen. Do you hear us now? Do you see us now? Can you feel us now?
“Southern trees bearing strange fruit. Blood on the leaves and blood at the roots. Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze- Nina Simone (Strange Fruit)”
Listen to our voices America. Hear our cries out to you. I was not brought here by choice, but by force. But I am here now. We have fought for you, we have died for you, we have suffered at the hands of your prejudice, yet we still yearn for you to accept us.
America, you have shown the ugly side. Will we ever see the beauty in which you have the potential to become?
What we need America to do, and particularly white America, is recognize there is an issue first and foremost. We need you to start having conversations with your kids, family members, and friends. We need you to have that courageous conversation and better understand the history that you benefit from.
Then we need you to act. Not as our saviors, but as citizens of this country that we are a part of, and that you so heavenly love. Call out racism, discrimination, and all injustices.
Finally, white America, stop saying you don’t see color. When you say you don’t see color means you don’t see me. I want you to see me for who I am, and that is a black person in society. Seeing my color means you recognize I am here.
See my color. See me. Just don’t discriminate or kill me for my color!